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Putting together very small tiles, which usually have a square or rectangular geometric shape, is a reasonable tiling.

In the Maghali tiling style, which is a combination of tiling and brick, it minimizes the expansion and contraction of the tiles.

In Maghali tile, various straight lines are used in vertical and horizontal axes, as well as sometimes diagonal lines with 45 degree angle and checkerboard.

In the style of Maghali tiling, the Kufi line is used for designing on it and it has been used in different levels of architectural decoration.

Kufic script was not used in writing, but it was used a lot in architecture.
In hanging tiling, first the text and letters were marked in a grid on a grid screen, and then in the final stage, bricks and tiles were installed on the building so that the letters were formed and the text was visible.

Although this type of tiling was invented by Iranians before the advent of Islam, it was perfected in the Islamic era and in the fifth century of Hijri.

This tiling style is created by combining geometric designs